
creepy Halloween past...

Hello friends!
Today is a favorite post which I missed doing, the vintage Halloween creepy photos. I love looking at those old costume photos, because they were super scary, there were no princess, super heroes or the sexy whatever, well, probably there were but the best are the scary costumes, in my humble opinion, lol.
So without further delay here they are...

10. ugly witch, look at that mask!!

9. weirdo sisters.  if I wake up in the middle of the night and see this,  poo poo all the way 💩💩

8. peekaboo. good way to find out what's your flight or fight response. 

7. little spook. he will run after you and hang on for dear life...or death, yikes!!

6. pick me. I don't know which is weirder, the woman with the old man grin mask carrying a doll?? or the ugly chef picking his nose, haha!

5. original gumby. that is just a choking/ breathing hazard 

4. weirdoes.  threatening?  playful? who knows,  but I sure don't want to find out.

3. no idea what the heck this is supposed to be, but it sure is creepy 

2. clown posse.  yes, not a clown fan, enough said.

1. sisters. this is just disturbing, either during the day, at a distance, or at nighttime if I see these two I would freak out. I don't know,  just....yuck!

well, there you have this year's top 10 Halloween creepy vintage costumes photos. Now  which is the creepiest for you?

1 comment:

zombydolls said...

A mi también me gustan esos disfraces antiguos y dan bastante más miedo que los de ahora