

Hi friends!
This week is all about the up and coming group art show at Slushbox Gallery curated by Stitch of Whimsy called
I am honored to participate along with some fabulous artist who I am a huge fan off. Here is my first of two pieces made for the show, it is my honor to introduce...

This fantasy forest creature is a squirrel - deer hybrid who has a mega sweet tooth. You can always find him at the sugary mushrooms munching away, his all time favorite is berry whip, which can always be found deep into the forest and as seen.

This sweet little creature was made out of felt, fur and roving; embroidered and tightly stuffed with polyfill. Embellished with beaded pick for antlers resembling crystalized sugar and some beads around the eyes. 

He is sitting on top a giant sugary mushroom made out of felt and colored foamies.
The smaller mushrooms were made with clay and felt. The wooden base was composed, stained and embellished with moss and a pretty tiny butterfly, the Sugardew's favorite forest pal. 
Here are some close ups.

This was my first fantasy creature and I must admit it was an interesting process to create and one I am planning to explore more. Now, keep posted for Thursday's blog post for the second piece for the show opening this Saturday. Of course, please share your thoughts and thanks.

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