
stay safe...

Hi friends!
hope you all had a wonderful Easter even thou celebrations had to be indoors and in small groups with all the safety measures. We have been living in difficult times of late and for many it has gotten very close and even personal. Well, my county has demanded mandatory facial coverings for everyone, so I spent my weekend making masks for the hubby and myself. I used the same free pattern that's on Joanne's that I shared a few posts back.

I truly believe we will be wearing these for a bit in order to slowly open up the country again, which is desperately needed. Might as well make the covering a fun or fashion statement, right?!?

I know my hair was a mess, but who cares, lol. 
So please don't overdo the obsessive,  just be conscious. Wash your hands regularly,  don't touch your face while out, give personal space and if sick stay inside.  Stay safe friends and will try to post soon. 

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