
lucy's cushion...

for the past few weeks i've been working on some bitty household projects i've been dying to try out, of course the list is gigantic and the time not enough. the current work in progress is what i call the Lucy cushion, and here's the back story.
one of the main reasons i decided to learn how to crochet was due to me stumbling upon this blog and fell in love with all the color and beautiful creations, Attic24
the reason i can read a pattern is all due to Lucy's great instructions. so having said that, when i saw the blooming flower cushion pattern i instantly began to drool and mentally challenged myself to MUST DO THIS!!!!! so after much practice, i braved on and began the task.
first sitting...

and today's TADAAHHHH!!!

i'm so proud of it, just too adorable and it's not even finished

love the petal work

the back
so i'm on a mission to finish it and have some pretty show-off photos by next weekend.
so, do you like???

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