
Catch up!!

So, I have been in a la la land mood for the past week and half, making me a sack of lazy bones and not keeping anyone up to date. Luckily, I have been doodling up some ideas and NEW projects are underway. Somehow, between all this I finally finished the last of the Spring Doll Collection, meet Sue
She was captured happily walking with her animal friends Spot (the dog), Fido (the sheep) and the chicks to the local Spring Fair.
Also, a hidden treat the Whimsical Flower Trio

These were so much fun to make!!! Between stamping the pedals, putting the wire through the clay, curling the arms and painting the outfits; this project brought me back to fun creation mode and stamped a big smile to my face :D.
Some bitty news: Logo design so far is going great!! Crystal is a dear. We are past two revisions, but am sure the next one is the winner. Inspired by the whole experience, I am in the process of creating the muse herself as a miniature clay doll, will post pictures soon.
As for my two doggies, the little one still won't let me take a natural (as nobody holding him) picture, so I am still on that mission.  I did start last week a 6 weeks, basic obedience school with him, the only yuck factor is that is every Sunday at 2pm.
Last but not least my Day of the Dead Easter Parade Couple found a home in Mississippi.

What do you think of the new additions???xoxo Maria

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